
3 Ways Local Businesses Can Build A Customer Base

Strategy to build solid client base

Building a solid client base is key to the survival and growth for most business owners, big or small.

To do this, requires having a strategy to find new customers as well as developing strong referral partnerships that can bring you more regular clients.

We list down three ways to grow your client base.

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Grow Your Business Through Location-Based Marketing

Get Local With Your Marketing

Successful marketing for small business is changing. From Google to Facebook there seems to be more emphasis on location-based marketing.

Why? Because locals love searching, buying and supporting local business owners mean conversions are likely to be much higher.

Even before digital technology, consumers were already targeted based on their location with letterbox drops and flyers. And in the digital world, it is no different in trying to find and market to your locals, whether you’re a tradie and local professional service provider.

Here are 3 ways how location-based marketing can help your business.

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Biggest Marketing Mistakes To Avoid As a Start-up Business

Challenge for Start-ups

Marketing mistakes are inevitable no matter how big or small your business is. However, the challenge is even greater for start-ups since they still do not have a benchmark to compare which strategies work or not.

We have come up with a list of marketing mistakes to avoid, helping you push your business forward without the added expense.
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7 Ways for Tradies to WOW Customers

Gets Customers Talking and Referring

Have you ever wondered why some tradies are extremely successful in winning over clients and turning them into loyal raving fans?

Firstly, it is nothing to do with price! So let’s get that out of the way.

And I would even go as far as saying, it doesn’t have much to do with doing a “good” job. After all many high quality tradies still fail to leave customers thinking “wow”.

So what gets them talking and referring? It’s tradies with the “wow” factor! Read more

Supersteam: What I Need to Do to Get Ready

Preparing For SuperStream

Do you have employees? Then you may have already heard the new buzz word floating around at the moment, SuperStream!

Whether you are a trade business, or any business for that matter with 1 or more employees, you will need to get informed and understand the impact of SuperStream to your business.

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GeoOp and Tradebusters Join Forces On Tradie Business Help Hub

Help Australian Tradies in Business

GeoOp and Tradebusters® have joined forces to help Australian tradies in business.

GeoOp (GEO), a mobile workforce software company, has paired up with consumer based marketplace Tradebusters to deliver business support to Australian tradespeople.

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How To Turn Your Customers Into Raving Fans?

90% of customers trust recommendations!

It’s true. And compare that to spending money on advertising your business which only has a trust level of about 14%.

According to numerous surveys, people are more likely to trust a brand or a business that someone has recommended. Why, because it’s credible, based on a real experience and at the end of the day, who doesn’t want a good trusted business in their home, business or life.

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Small Business Marketing Guide for 2016: Top Digital Strategies

How Being Online Can Grow Your Business

2016 presents a multitude of opportunities for small businesses to grow especially with digital marketing. There have been countless reports on the growing spend in online advertising buying, targeted mobile apps, branded content and publishing. There are also reports on big corporations investing in proximity-based marketing technologies.

So amidst the intricate world of digital marketing, where do small businesses like yours come in? Fortunately, there is plenty of space and opportunity even for small players to do well in the online digital world.

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Top 2016 Small Business Marketing Priorities

Got An Online Marketing Strategy?

In an age where consumers are heading straight to their smartphone to research service providers, it’s no surprise that being found online should be a top priority for any small business owner.

This is where online marketing strategies comes in and should be part of your 2016 planning list. Check out our tips to help you get started.

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7 Reasons Why “Maybe” You Should Get Rid Of Your Website!

Why It May No Longer Be Worth Keeping Your Website

What the $%^? you say?

It’s true! Yes, we reckon that most businesses are probably wasting their time and money keeping a website alive, especially when most of them aren’t doing their jobs – making you money!

Further, in the last couple of years, Google has changed the goal posts on how it ranks websites and SEO. It’s been said that 90% of marketing companies have not changed their strategies to respond to this, meaning more wasted money on your part in keeping a website that is doing you more harm than good.

What else? Here is our list on why it may no longer be worth keeping your website.

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