
Kitchen Renovation Guide – Five Tips for Success

How to Transform Your Kitchen Successfully

The kitchen is one of the best and busiest parts of your house. More importantly, nothing beats coming home to a cozy cooking area to fix some delicious meal. Should you decide to bump up your kitchen and remodel it, here are some tips to make sure you’re going in the right direction.

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5 Renovation Tips for Sydney Northern Beaches Homeowners

The Boom in the Northern Beaches

The real estate boom is on in the Northern Beaches, according to sources at This boom is due to the upcoming hospital construction and the impending development of the area according to sources on the website.

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Pergolas Sydney: 5 Reasons Homeowners Should Consider a Pergola

Why Aussies Love Pergolas

In the last few years, one of the most popular trends in home and exterior designs in Sydney has been Pergolas. Pergola’s come in a variety of styles, sizes, and variations to suit homeowners’ needs and whether you are in a suburban home, regional country area or even an inner city apartment, we all seem to want one. Read more

5 Home Renovations to Consider in the Booming Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs

Latest report shows now is a good time for a home renovation in Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs?

Recently an article in Domain reported that local buyers are most interested in homes under $2 million in the Sydney Eastern Suburbs area. This has opened the market to savvy sellers and buyers to add value to a property by renovating. Low interest rates have also created more interest in this booming area.

So what kinds of renovations could you consider to add value to your property? Read more

House Extensions Sydney – Five Projects for Home Renovation

House Extensions Sydney: Home extensions at a glance

Homeowners sometimes decide they need more space for their children or their belongings. That’s where house extensions Sydney builders can help. Instead of buying a whole new house, home renovation is the most economical and convenient solution.

A house extension can be financed or paid for in full if you have saved the money, or have it in your current budget. Regardless of whether you need to finance or not, you should know what kinds of house extensions Sydney projects are available to you. Read more

Things to Consider When Renovating Outdoor Living Space

When home owners plan a renovation, the first thing that readily crosses their minds are interior ones, like bathroom renovation or kitchen renovation. Sometimes, it’s all too easy to overlook outdoor living places like the patio, porch or a gazebo when thinking of renovations. However, renovating your outdoor living place could give your property some extra flair and add to its value.

On the other hand, if you are actually planning to renovate outdoor living space, there are a number of things that you should take into consideration before actually proceeding with renovation work.

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Renovation Tip: Add Space To Any Room With A Nature Wall Mural

More often than not, most renovations are meant to add space to any room. That added space, however, is constrained by the actual size of the property. A renovation project can only do so much to add space to any room. But what if there’s a way for you to add space without actually having to add space? Put up nature wall murals, and you’ll be able to do just that.

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Painters in Sydney: How to Find a Professional

find a professional painterAre you looking for a House Painter in Sydney?

Painting your own house can be fun, and it’s a great way for you and your loved ones to bond. However, there is likely a big difference between the painting job that you and your family can do and one done by a skilled and experienced painter. If you want your home to have that professional finish you’ve always wanted, your best bet would be to find a professional painter in Sydney. Here are 5 useful tips that could help you find a professional painter.

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Aussies Like Modern Interiors For Their Homes More

modern interiorsData gathered by Australian property site has revealed that more Australians prefer their homes to have modern interiors characterised by simplicity, clean lines and fully functional furniture.

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6 Easy Ways to Boost The Efficiency of Your Home

ways to boost the efficiency of your homeAnyone can make their homes more energy efficient. However, those who are building a new home have the upper hand in this regard, since they are bound by the Building Code of Australia to meet a minimum level of energy efficiency.

Granted, the law requirement could mean additions to the total construction budget, but those additions are generally a pittance compared to the savings such energy efficiency measures will give you.

In any case, whether your house is new or old, there are a number of things that you can do to make it more energy efficient and in effect, a little friendlier to the environment. Here are some of them.

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