Tips for Financially Managing a Renovation Project

If you’re a home owner, there will eventually come a time when you have to get some renovation work done on it. While planning a renovation project can be a rather exciting thing, it can also get really stressful, particularly in the finance department. Managing your budget responsibly can get a bit tricky. If financially managing a renovation project becomes a bit of a problem for you, perhaps this article written by Tony Rigby for can help.

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US Study Says White Roofs Save Money

white roofs save moneyApart from aesthetic reasons, does the colour of your roof really matter? It does, if the findings of a recent U.S. study are to be believed. In an article written for, Paul Thornhill says white roofs save money and are much greener too.

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Tips For Decorating Your Child’s Room on a Budget

decorating your child’s room on a budgetWhen you decorate your kid’s room, you need to understand that it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. More often than not, you can decorate your kid’s room on a budget. You can still transform your child’s room with just a little money and a lot of creativity. Here are some tips for decorating your child’s room on a budget.

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6 Easy Ways to Boost The Efficiency of Your Home

ways to boost the efficiency of your homeAnyone can make their homes more energy efficient. However, those who are building a new home have the upper hand in this regard, since they are bound by the Building Code of Australia to meet a minimum level of energy efficiency.

Granted, the law requirement could mean additions to the total construction budget, but those additions are generally a pittance compared to the savings such energy efficiency measures will give you.

In any case, whether your house is new or old, there are a number of things that you can do to make it more energy efficient and in effect, a little friendlier to the environment. Here are some of them.

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Should You Use a Credit Card for Renovation Projects?

renovation projectIf you’re thinking about taking on a renovation project, there is no better way to spend for it than using a credit card. Using a credit card for these projects, without a doubt, is the most convenient way to buy the materials you need. It is easy to use, and purchases are a lot easier to track, especially when you have one dedicated to just your renovation project.

Credit cards, for sure, are not without their disadvantages. There’s always the lure of easy spending, which could lead you to buy building materials that cost way beyond your budget. Even if you do use your credit card responsibly, there’s always the risk of forgetting a monthly payment due date, which could have costly consequences.

Still, no one can argue how valuable credit cards can be as long as you use credit cards responsibly and wisely. When used strategically, many renovators have found credit cards to be quite the powerful tool.  Here are some benefits of using a credit card for your renovation project.

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Home Renovations Sydney: The Best ROI

ROI on home renovationsWe take on home renovations mostly because we’d love to give our homes a brand-new look. One thing that should never be that far back in our minds, however, is the return on investment or ROI on home renovations.

The truth is, most of the home renovations we do don’t really increase the value of our house as much as they cost. So what yields the best ROI on  home renovations? Here are some suggestions.

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