How to Maximise Space at Home

maximise space at homeWe could be living in a small apartment or a humongous mansion, but there will always be that seemingly insatiable need for more space. That’s why people who live in houses big or small are always trying to find ways to maximise space at home in order to make it feel more spacious and welcoming.

You’ll certainly be surprised how much space you really have once you make an effort to maximise space at home, even if you’re just living in a studio apartment. To help you out, we’d like to offer these tips to maximise space at home.

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What to Ask Before Buying Blinds and Shutters

ask before buying blinds and shuttersSo you’re thinking about getting shutters and blinds for your windows, which is a great decision on your part. Blinds and shutters, after all, aren’t just there for making your windows more visually appealing. They’re also there to help keep your home cooler and therefore save you money in the long run.

If this is the first time you’re buying shutters and blinds, it pays to do a little research before going ahead with the purchase. There are a lot of factors you need to consider first before making a decision. Here are some of the things you need to ask before buying blinds and shutters.

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Space-saving Ideas For A Small Apartment

space-saving ideas for a small apartmentIt’s tough living in a tiny apartment, especially when you’re the kind of person who is used to a lot more space at home. Then again, it may be an ideal option for you if you prefer the convenience and lifestyle appeal of living closer to the city and also saving some money as compared to living in a larger apartment.

Still, living in a tiny apartment doesn’t have to mean zero space. There are many space-saving ideas for a small apartment that you can use, and here are some of them.

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Aussies Like Modern Interiors For Their Homes More

modern interiorsData gathered by Australian property site has revealed that more Australians prefer their homes to have modern interiors characterised by simplicity, clean lines and fully functional furniture.

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How to Use Zoning In Your Home

zoning in your homeWhenever we hear the word ‘zoning’, the thing that readily comes to mind is that device used by local governments in developed countries for land-use planning purposes. What you probably don’t know is that the concept of zoning can also be applied within your home to help you organise and arrange everything about it. An article by Naomi Findlay for talks at length about zoning in your home.

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US Study Says White Roofs Save Money

white roofs save moneyApart from aesthetic reasons, does the colour of your roof really matter? It does, if the findings of a recent U.S. study are to be believed. In an article written for, Paul Thornhill says white roofs save money and are much greener too.

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Renovation Tips For a Small Apartment

renovation projectThere are many reasons why many people choose to live in a small apartment. In most cases, the reason is economical in nature. These days, big apartments cost a lot, whether you’re buying or just renting.

Because of their size—or lack of it—small apartments tend to get a bad reputation, particularly in the space department. In all honesty, small apartments do tend to be cramped, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it through the wonders of renovation. Yes, you can make the place seem more spacious and comfortable with a few tweaks here and there.

If you’re willing to go down that route, here are some renovation tips for a small apartment to help you get started.

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Tips For Decorating Your Child’s Room on a Budget

decorating your child’s room on a budgetWhen you decorate your kid’s room, you need to understand that it doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. More often than not, you can decorate your kid’s room on a budget. You can still transform your child’s room with just a little money and a lot of creativity. Here are some tips for decorating your child’s room on a budget.

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Tips For Preparing Your Baby’s Room

preparing your baby's roomCongratulations! In a just a short while, you will be welcoming the newest addition to your family. By now, you should have already prepared his or her room. If you still haven’t, we’d like to share some tips for preparing your baby’s room to help you make sure that your baby’s room will have everything that it needs.

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Quick Home Improvement Ideas for the New Year

home improvement ideasThe new year brings a fresh start that more often than not inspires new home improvement ideas. Nothing spells “fresh start” better than to get home improvement projects up and rolling . These projects don’t even have to be big ones. They can be quick, simple and should not cost you that much.

Here are some quick home improvement ideas for the new year to get you started:

1. Do some painting

Whether it’s done in a high-traffic area or a barely used room in your house, painting adds a pop of colour and a fresh clean feel to your walls. If you’re painting newbie, don’t hesitate to ask for tips from people working at the paint store, from colours to do to painting techniques that will make the job easier and faster for you.

2. Put up wallpapers

If painting is too much work, then perhaps putting up wallpapers might do the trick for you. Many of the wallpapers available in stores today are very chic, and they certainly would make amazing accent walls. Plus, the choices are simply amazing. You can get wallpapers with texture, wallpapers with retro patterns, metallic wallpapers and many more.

3. Change your drapes

Changing your drapes is one great way to greet the new year. Sure, everyone wants brand new drapes every single time we change them, but there are less expensive ways of changing them. One such way is to recycle your curtains and drapes to another room. The drapes you had in your living room, for instance, could be switched with the ones in your bedroom, and vice versa.

4. Give your cabinets a facelift

When you give your cabinets a facelift, it  does not necessarily mean you have to change a lot of things about them, although that could be an option. Giving it what we call a “spa treatment” will do. Dust the cabinets inside out, then wipe them down with a soft, damp cloth. If your cabinets have nicks and scratches, get a soft cloth and dab those areas with just a tiny bit of wood stain. When the wood stain is dry, wipe lemon oil onto the whole cabinet using a soft, clean cloth. All these will enhance the natural colour of your cabinets and give them a newer feel.

5. Change door handles

Your door handles are perhaps the most worn-out among all the fixtures in your home, and the coming of the new year is the perfect time to replace them. To spice things up, you can actually replace them with handles that are actually different from the last ones. Just make sure that they look perfect for the door and that they don’t end up looking out of place.

6. Organise your home

With the holidays just a few weeks in the past, it’s safe to assume that your home has to deal with a lot of clutter, especially when you have children at home or when you’ve had people come and go for the entire holiday season. The new year would be the best time to organise your home. You can start with just putting things back where they actually belong. If you’re up to it, do some segregation, like keeping the things you still use and deciding which ones you can actually throw or give away. Organising your home may not be as simple or as quick as other home improvement projects, but it’s one of those home improvement ideas that has to be done, whether it’s the new year or not.