Make Your Rental Property Pet Friendly

As a landlord, you have the power to decide on many things that have to do with your rental property. If you don’t want to allow pets in your property, it is within your right to forbid any and all potential tenants from bringing their beloved cats and dogs with them. But is that really the smart way to go? If statistics are to be believed, you might want to change your mind about pets, and make your rental units pet friendly instead.

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HIA Predicts 2014 Will Be Good For Housing Industry

Australia’s housing industry is looking good this year based on the recently released Summer 2014 edition of the National Outlook report by the Housing Industry Association (HIA).

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The Importance of Re-keying Your New Home

re-keying your new homeWhen we move into a new home, it is but natural for the home owner to do a cursory check if everything about it is working. We try the lights, we check the kitchen and bathroom for any issues or just about anything that pops into our concerned heads. One thing that many freshly moved-in home owners forget to check, however, are the locks to the house.

Now we don’t mean you have to check if your keys work, because you wouldn’t have made it into the house if they didn’t. What we mean is you should be concerned that other people might have keys to the property that you don’t know about. After all, you’re probably not the first person to live in that property, and you should always assume that those former residents still have keys of their own to the property that you now own. If anything, re-keying your new home should be a priority for the following reasons:

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Preparing Your Home For Sale? Tips Direct From a Sales Agent

Selling your home can be one of the most stressful things you can do especially when you think of what is involved even before your home hits the market such as:

  1. Choosing which agent or agency to sell your home
  2. Organising your contract of sale with your solicitor or conveyancer
  3. Deciding on renovating or styling your home
  4. Basic preparations inside and outside the home
  5. Communicating the possible sale of your home with your finance institution

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Space-saving Ideas For A Small Apartment

space-saving ideas for a small apartmentIt’s tough living in a tiny apartment, especially when you’re the kind of person who is used to a lot more space at home. Then again, it may be an ideal option for you if you prefer the convenience and lifestyle appeal of living closer to the city and also saving some money as compared to living in a larger apartment.

Still, living in a tiny apartment doesn’t have to mean zero space. There are many space-saving ideas for a small apartment that you can use, and here are some of them.

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Thinking of Selling Your Home? Essential Steps to Creating Street Appeal

With buyers having a great deal of choice, creating street appeal is essential; it will enable potential buyers to connect with a house so they will want to look inside.  An appealing frontage will make selling your house a whole lot easier.

We are all told not to judge a book by its cover but let’s face it, it happens, especially when it comes to real estate.  At any time of the day or night potential buyers could drive by your house and instantly make the decision about whether they would like to arrange a viewing or not.
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How to Use Zoning In Your Home

zoning in your homeWhenever we hear the word ‘zoning’, the thing that readily comes to mind is that device used by local governments in developed countries for land-use planning purposes. What you probably don’t know is that the concept of zoning can also be applied within your home to help you organise and arrange everything about it. An article by Naomi Findlay for talks at length about zoning in your home.

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Are Wireless Locks Safe or Not?

installing wireless locksIn more ways than one, wireless locks offer home owners a lot in the way of convenience. Imagine having the capability to let anyone into your locked house even when you’re miles away. With the advent of wireless locks, the days of leaving a spare key under the rug or some potted plant are long gone.

However, in this day of hackers and cybercriminals, no one can really blame some home owners for not being that sold on the idea of installing wireless locks. However, if an article written by Krissy Rushing for Technology Tell is to be believed, their fears would seem to be unfounded.

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Home Renovations Sydney: The Best ROI

ROI on home renovationsWe take on home renovations mostly because we’d love to give our homes a brand-new look. One thing that should never be that far back in our minds, however, is the return on investment or ROI on home renovations.

The truth is, most of the home renovations we do don’t really increase the value of our house as much as they cost. So what yields the best ROI on  home renovations? Here are some suggestions.

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Awesome Ways to Display Your Books

awesome ways to display your booksIf you have a love for the written word, then it’s safe to assume that you have a huge collection of books at home, neatly displayed in bookshelves. While they all look nice lined up in bookcases in vertical and horizontal formation, but you have to admit that they can look a bit boring.

Believe it or not, something as simple as book displays can be enhanced to make them more pleasing to the eye. In effect, a great-looking book display also contributes to the overall look of your home. If your idea of book display is just stacking them side-by-side in a book shelf, you can certainly use these alternative ideas that are certainly more awesome ways to display your books.

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