Finding a Loan for a New Home Purchase

Buying your first home is one of the biggest financial decisions you will make in your life. Obviously, there are a number of factors you should take into consideration, from getting the right loan for a new home purchase, to finding the ideal new home.

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Preparing for a Visit from a Pest Control Technician

Your home is your castle and you want it to be as safe as possible for yourself and your family. You may have found a family of dangerous spiders living on the property, have an infestation that needs to be dealt with, or simply want to hire a local pest control company for monthly preventative maintenance. Whatever your reasons, it is important to know what the pest control technician is going to do, and what he or she needs you to do in preparation, and on the day of the visit.

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What to Look for When Choosing a Pest Control Company

Pets and bugs can show up almost anywhere in your garden, your home, or your place of work. One of the best ways to get rid of these pests is to hire a reputable, local pest control company. However, it is important to know what to look for when choosing a pest control company in order to ensure that you hire the best one for your particular situation.

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Tips for Selling Your Home

When you decide to sell your home, you should try to look at it differently. It is no longer the place where you and your family live, it is now an asset. Your home has become a product that you need to market properly and present to prospective buyers. Below are some tips that will help you prepare your home for sale.

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How To Renovate Without Reducing Your Home’s Value

renovate without reducing your home's valueSo you’re about to do some home renovations because you intend to sell your property shortly. That’s perfectly normal, and in most cases, a brilliant idea. Home renovations can certainly help add value to your property, but it’s also a fact that some renovations, particularly DIY ones or too “trendy” ones can actually cause property value to plummet. There are certain factors that you need to consider so you can renovate to increase property value, not pull it down. Here are some tips on how to renovate to increase your property value and profits, especially if you are planning to sell it.

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Preparing Your Home For Sale? Tips Direct From a Sales Agent

Selling your home can be one of the most stressful things you can do especially when you think of what is involved even before your home hits the market such as:

  1. Choosing which agent or agency to sell your home
  2. Organising your contract of sale with your solicitor or conveyancer
  3. Deciding on renovating or styling your home
  4. Basic preparations inside and outside the home
  5. Communicating the possible sale of your home with your finance institution

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Thinking of Selling Your Home? Essential Steps to Creating Street Appeal

With buyers having a great deal of choice, creating street appeal is essential; it will enable potential buyers to connect with a house so they will want to look inside.  An appealing frontage will make selling your house a whole lot easier.

We are all told not to judge a book by its cover but let’s face it, it happens, especially when it comes to real estate.  At any time of the day or night potential buyers could drive by your house and instantly make the decision about whether they would like to arrange a viewing or not.
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Renovation Tips For a Small Apartment

renovation projectThere are many reasons why many people choose to live in a small apartment. In most cases, the reason is economical in nature. These days, big apartments cost a lot, whether you’re buying or just renting.

Because of their size—or lack of it—small apartments tend to get a bad reputation, particularly in the space department. In all honesty, small apartments do tend to be cramped, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it through the wonders of renovation. Yes, you can make the place seem more spacious and comfortable with a few tweaks here and there.

If you’re willing to go down that route, here are some renovation tips for a small apartment to help you get started.

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6 Easy Ways to Boost The Efficiency of Your Home

ways to boost the efficiency of your homeAnyone can make their homes more energy efficient. However, those who are building a new home have the upper hand in this regard, since they are bound by the Building Code of Australia to meet a minimum level of energy efficiency.

Granted, the law requirement could mean additions to the total construction budget, but those additions are generally a pittance compared to the savings such energy efficiency measures will give you.

In any case, whether your house is new or old, there are a number of things that you can do to make it more energy efficient and in effect, a little friendlier to the environment. Here are some of them.

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How to Choose a Good Painter in Sydney and Australia

finding a good painter

Are you planning on painting your home?

Finding a good painter in Sydney and Australia is not always an easy thing to do. Especially in the painting industry, where many (lets say) “shonky” operators exist that take shortcuts, comprise job quality and value, and basically leave you with an unpleasant experience.  

So when looking to find local painters to perform a painting job for you, you need to ask the right questions. Below are some of the questions we use at Tradebusters when interviewing recommended painters for our exclusive network across Sydney and Australia. We hope they may help you find a quality and professional painter for your next home renovation or improvement project.

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