Tips For Keeping A Home With Pets Fresh

Pets bring a lot of joy to the family. You and your kids love to play with them, and there’s just something about pets that helps bring down your stress levels after a hard day’s work. You may be really exhausted at the end of the day, but once your cat or dog jumps onto your lap, you can feel your worries melt away with every stroke of your beloved pet’s fur.

Unfortunately, apart from joy and de-stressing, pets also bring other stuff with them. With their litter and their fur, our pets can make keeping your home smelling and feeling clean and fresh a little more difficult than usual. It is, however, not impossible to do. Here are a few tips we’d like to share about keeping a home with pets fresh.

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Research: Word of Mouth Is Best Marketing For Tradies

use word of mouth to find a tradieA study commissioned by the NSW Government Fair Trading has confirmed that word of mouth is the best kind of marketing for tradespeople. The 2013 study, which looked into consumer behaviors when they hire a tradesperson, was conducted by independent research company Instinct and Reason. About 1,000 NSW home owners who had hired a tradie in the past 18 months from the start of the survey acted as respondents.

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HIA Predicts 2014 Will Be Good For Housing Industry

Australia’s housing industry is looking good this year based on the recently released Summer 2014 edition of the National Outlook report by the Housing Industry Association (HIA).

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Preparing Your Home For Sale? Tips Direct From a Sales Agent

Selling your home can be one of the most stressful things you can do especially when you think of what is involved even before your home hits the market such as:

  1. Choosing which agent or agency to sell your home
  2. Organising your contract of sale with your solicitor or conveyancer
  3. Deciding on renovating or styling your home
  4. Basic preparations inside and outside the home
  5. Communicating the possible sale of your home with your finance institution

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Aussies Like Modern Interiors For Their Homes More

modern interiorsData gathered by Australian property site has revealed that more Australians prefer their homes to have modern interiors characterised by simplicity, clean lines and fully functional furniture.

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Live Longer Through Home Improvement

household chores are good for your healthWe can’t stop aging, but we can do something about living a longer life. And no, it doesn’t really involve joining a gym or starting Pilates or whatever fitness craze everyone’s into these days. Well, regular visits to the gym, Pilates and all kinds of exercise programs do help you extend your life, but we’re talking about something a little closer to home here. According to an article by Sabina Read for, we can also live longer through home improvement projects as well as everyday household chores.

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Thinking of Selling Your Home? Essential Steps to Creating Street Appeal

With buyers having a great deal of choice, creating street appeal is essential; it will enable potential buyers to connect with a house so they will want to look inside.  An appealing frontage will make selling your house a whole lot easier.

We are all told not to judge a book by its cover but let’s face it, it happens, especially when it comes to real estate.  At any time of the day or night potential buyers could drive by your house and instantly make the decision about whether they would like to arrange a viewing or not.
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Beat the Summer Heat At Home

ways to keep cool at homeThings are certainly heating up on this side of the globe. With the summer season in full swing, Australians are finding themselves right in the middle of scorching hot temperatures that could cause certain health issues if you’re not prepared for them.

You’re fortunate if you work in an air conditioned office during the day because you’ll be spared from 40 degree days without much expense on your part, but what about those who work from home? What about your children, or any other member of your household who has to stay home?

If you’re not willing to keep your home air conditioning system running the entire day, the members of your household will have to find ways to fend off the summer heat. Fortunately, there are a lot of cheaper and easier ways to keep cool at home. Here are some of them.

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How to Choose a Good Painter in Sydney and Australia

finding a good painter

Are you planning on painting your home?

Finding a good painter in Sydney and Australia is not always an easy thing to do. Especially in the painting industry, where many (lets say) “shonky” operators exist that take shortcuts, comprise job quality and value, and basically leave you with an unpleasant experience.  

So when looking to find local painters to perform a painting job for you, you need to ask the right questions. Below are some of the questions we use at Tradebusters when interviewing recommended painters for our exclusive network across Sydney and Australia. We hope they may help you find a quality and professional painter for your next home renovation or improvement project.

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Quick Home Improvement Ideas for the New Year

home improvement ideasThe new year brings a fresh start that more often than not inspires new home improvement ideas. Nothing spells “fresh start” better than to get home improvement projects up and rolling . These projects don’t even have to be big ones. They can be quick, simple and should not cost you that much.

Here are some quick home improvement ideas for the new year to get you started:

1. Do some painting

Whether it’s done in a high-traffic area or a barely used room in your house, painting adds a pop of colour and a fresh clean feel to your walls. If you’re painting newbie, don’t hesitate to ask for tips from people working at the paint store, from colours to do to painting techniques that will make the job easier and faster for you.

2. Put up wallpapers

If painting is too much work, then perhaps putting up wallpapers might do the trick for you. Many of the wallpapers available in stores today are very chic, and they certainly would make amazing accent walls. Plus, the choices are simply amazing. You can get wallpapers with texture, wallpapers with retro patterns, metallic wallpapers and many more.

3. Change your drapes

Changing your drapes is one great way to greet the new year. Sure, everyone wants brand new drapes every single time we change them, but there are less expensive ways of changing them. One such way is to recycle your curtains and drapes to another room. The drapes you had in your living room, for instance, could be switched with the ones in your bedroom, and vice versa.

4. Give your cabinets a facelift

When you give your cabinets a facelift, it  does not necessarily mean you have to change a lot of things about them, although that could be an option. Giving it what we call a “spa treatment” will do. Dust the cabinets inside out, then wipe them down with a soft, damp cloth. If your cabinets have nicks and scratches, get a soft cloth and dab those areas with just a tiny bit of wood stain. When the wood stain is dry, wipe lemon oil onto the whole cabinet using a soft, clean cloth. All these will enhance the natural colour of your cabinets and give them a newer feel.

5. Change door handles

Your door handles are perhaps the most worn-out among all the fixtures in your home, and the coming of the new year is the perfect time to replace them. To spice things up, you can actually replace them with handles that are actually different from the last ones. Just make sure that they look perfect for the door and that they don’t end up looking out of place.

6. Organise your home

With the holidays just a few weeks in the past, it’s safe to assume that your home has to deal with a lot of clutter, especially when you have children at home or when you’ve had people come and go for the entire holiday season. The new year would be the best time to organise your home. You can start with just putting things back where they actually belong. If you’re up to it, do some segregation, like keeping the things you still use and deciding which ones you can actually throw or give away. Organising your home may not be as simple or as quick as other home improvement projects, but it’s one of those home improvement ideas that has to be done, whether it’s the new year or not.