How to Make Your Relationship Survive a Renovation

For couples living under one roof, the idea of initiating a renovation project for their home together seems like a very romantic idea. After all, what could be more romantic than making your dream home come true by working with the person you love on it? Alas, a renovation project is not that simple. Exciting, yes, but easy, no. As a matter of fact, renovations could prove to be so stressful it’s not uncommon for couple to get into arguments or fights over the way they’re going. Some relationships may even suffer so much strain with the renovation that they eventually fall apart.

However, don’t let the preceding paragraph scare you if you’re a couple planning to get some renovation work done. Far more couples have survived a renovation than those that broke up. Here are some tips that we hope would help make your relationship survive a renovation project.

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Why Proper Attic Ventilation Is Important

When it comes to making our homes more energy efficient, we often bury ourselves in doing things like installing ceiling fans, changing light bulbs to more efficient ones, installing programmable thermostats and sealing and insulating our homes that we often overlook the attic, which is one part of the house that is actually an essential part of the overall energy profile of your home.

Many home owners actually don’t realise that attic ventilation is so crucial to keeping your home warm during colder months and cool in the summer. In addition, attic ventilation also helps deliver fresh air throughout the home, giving us a lot of comfort and allows us to save money as well.

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Dealing With Moisture Problems at Home

There will always be moisture in the air in your home, especially when you live in a place with a more humid climate. While moisture in the air in general is okay and, in fact, important for good health, too much of it inside your home can lead to several issues. Aside from causing health problems, too much moisture in the air inside your home could also be detrimental to the structure of your own home.

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Australians Love Renovating

If you’ve been doing some channel surfing lately, you’ll see that programs that deal with home improvement are becoming quite popular. Their popularity clearly shows how everyday Australians are becoming more interested in renovation. An article written by Cameron McEvoy for talks about this love for renovation among Australians and more.

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Refresh the Look of Your Room

Sick and tired of the way your room is looking? Yes, we know the feeling. It is pretty common for people to feel that a particular room in the house is  looking somewhat flat and boring. So perhaps it’s time  to refresh the look of your room.

If you’re worried about the costs involved, then good budgeting and creative thinking is a must. If you just stick with what you already have and polish them, you won’t have to spend a fortune in making your room look fresh again. Couple that with smart buying choices for new things, and the cost for refreshing your room’s look will be significantly reduced. So how do you go about giving your room a fresh look?

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Furnishing and Decorating Tips For Your First Apartment

It’s a pretty exciting time, being able to rent your very first apartment, a clear sign that you’re finally independent. You are bursting with anticipation about the things that come with having your own place and the things you could do with it. That initial rush, however, is often replaced by a sense of being overwhelmed, simply because having your own apartment means that furnishing and decorating it is your sole responsibility and no one else’s.

When furnishing and decorating your own place, there a lot of things that you need to consider. To help you get started, here are some furnishing and decorating tips for your first apartment.

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Tips For A Profitable Renovation

Home owners undertake renovation projects for a variety of reasons. If your reason for the renovation has something to do with increasing the equity in your home or selling it sometime in the future, we’d like to offer a few tips that would help ensure that your renovation project would be profitable when the time comes.

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Deadline For Compliance With Stricter Swimming Pool Laws Moved

A rash of tragic incidents involving the accidental drowning of very young children in backyard pools has prodded the NSW government to require owners of swimming pools to comply with stricter swimming pool laws by April 2014, but that deadline for compliance has just been postponed for another 12 months.

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Make Your Rental Property Pet Friendly

As a landlord, you have the power to decide on many things that have to do with your rental property. If you don’t want to allow pets in your property, it is within your right to forbid any and all potential tenants from bringing their beloved cats and dogs with them. But is that really the smart way to go? If statistics are to be believed, you might want to change your mind about pets, and make your rental units pet friendly instead.

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Find A Good Local Electrician

Finding a good local electrician should not be that difficult, but with constant stories of travelling trades conmen you hear in the media these days it certainly has most of us on guard more, especially with electrical work. After all, shonky electrical work will only lead to one thing: danger. House fires are commonly caused by faulty electrical wiring, which is the kind of work you can expect from someone shonky or inexperienced.

To find a good local electrician, you have to know what to look for. Here are some tips to get you started.

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